Day Six: He Restoreth My Soul

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou { read more… }

Day Five: I Saw God Today!

George Strait sang the song.  I experienced it. I saw God today. And not just once. Day Five on the ground in Romania. Sunday. Three church services in one day. We began in Simpetru which is ChaCha’s home church. And it wasn’t just any ordinary church service. Two young men were being baptized: Gabi, Rodica and Florine’s son, and Vaseli, { read more… }

Day Four: It’s of Kingdom Importance

“It’s of utmost importance.” It’s a phrase I’ve heard countless times, and with a word like “utmost,” importance seems almost superfluous. If you look utmost up in the dictionary, you’ll find it means most extreme, greatest, the most extreme extent. The word even appears in the title of what is considered to be one of the most popular Christian books, My Utmost for His { read more… }

Day Three: He is the One We Proclaim

At 7:36am Romania time, which is 11:36 pm Texas time, I received a text from Logan.Here’s what it said: “Colossians 1:28-29. Tell the group its His energy that’ll work through y’all to keep everybody admonishing and proclaiming His name. Love you.” Could anyone ask for better words to begin Day Three of a mission trip? Could anything give a mom { read more… }

Day Two: Walking By Faith

It’s a song that’s been sung for ages, but Jennifer Rothschild sings the version I like best. You can listen to it at I like Jennifer’s version for two reasons: One, she’s adapted the lyrics and I think they are beautiful. Two, she’s completely blind, so she knows and lives daily what it means to walk by faith. The chorus { read more… }

Day One: Increasing Our Faith

God is faithful. One of the most profound and truthful statements we can make. The Bible is full of examples, and evidence abounds in each of our lives. Those words can seem so simple, and if were not careful, they just become just words with an absence of proclamation and a void of true gratefulness in our heart. God is { read more… }