about me.

I’m Trae. A female Trae. I was supposed to be a boy and then maybe the name would’ve made more sense, but instead I’m a wife to my boyfriend of 35 years. We’re empty nesters with an insanely spoiled doodle named EmmyLu, but, I’m still momma to my boys of 30 and 33. I also have five grands in my life that I adore. My hair color used to change frequently, but it’s been back to its original color for more than a year. This is a record. I have a few women living in my head, and sometimes they’re all yelling, but thankfully God rules my heart.
I don’t grocery shop or cook. I’m prone to try and stuff more in a day than is humanly possible to accomplish. Sometimes I eat cookies for breakfast. Or leftover pie. I know two speeds… full speed ahead and sound asleep. I wake up happy, and I go to bed grateful. In between, I’m going at Mach 1, just loving Jesus and others in any way I can. I can’t say anything in fewer than 500 words, I’m constantly rearranging our furniture, I crave cupcakes, and I’ve finally grown comfortable enough with myself that I can go out in public without make up. Take my word. It’s real progress.

Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby and Claude King wrote, “When your life is in the middle of God’s activity, He will start rearranging a lot of your thinking. When you see the Father at work around you, that is your invitation to adjust your life to Him and to join Him in the work.” When I read those sentences the first time, my pen could not underline them quickly enough. I immediately thought, “That’s me!” God has turned my life upside down in all the right ways, and I’ve never known greater joy than now when I am smack dab in the middle of His work… especially when I’m in prison! You read that right. Read that scoop here. No matter where God has me, I just continue to pinch myself and say, “Thank you, Father God, for letting me be involved where You are.”

My desire for this space is just to LOVE A LITTLE LOUDER… to share truth and grace with honest words and real vulnerability… to tell stories that give God center stage with a bright spotlight… to embrace the struggles and the hope of being a follower of Christ… to plant seeds and risk being part of a miracle… to live out Ephesians 
3:20, knowing that God’s power at work within me can do immeasurably more than all I can ask for or imagine. 

Erma Bombeck actually said this, but it’s what I pray every day, “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have
 a single bit of talent left and could say, I used everything You gave me.”

Welcome, and I pray you are blessed by being here!
