Missing In Action

Public confession is good for the soul. I actually have no evidence whatsoever to back up that statement, but I evidently believe it strongly because I frequently feel compelled to confess my sins publicly via this blog. I cannot tell you from where such compulsion stems or why it tends to well up in me, but I can unequivocally state { read more… }

Crystal and Apophenia

I have a new friend I want to tell you about. Her name is Crystal. Actually, it could be Krystal, Kristal, Cristal, or any of a number of spellings. I’m not really sure. I should have looked at her name tag to discover the correct spelling, but I was too mesmerized by her. So, we’re going to go with the { read more… }

Discount Puppy

After I posted my last blog update, I immediately got a comment on Facebook that my boys needed to come home and give poor Brad a break. Now that cracked me up. Trust me when I tell you that when the boys come home, Brad has triple trouble on his hands! The boys are far more merciless than I am. { read more… }

Brad Needs a Math Lesson

I bet most of you do not know that my hubby has a BBA degree with a minor in computer science from the fine, upstanding Texas Tech University. He sounds like a pretty smart guy, right? I’ve always thought so, too. He constantly amazes me with the stuff he knows how to do. Seriously, there is NOTHING Brad cannot fix { read more… }

Why Does Your Pumpkin Have Tumors?

“Mom, why does your pumpkin have tumors?” Seriously. That was the question that came out of Logan’s mouth. Did he not know I had passed up Waco pumpkins certain that I would find the BEST pumpkins when we traveled to Stephenville for Parents’ Weekend? Did he not know that I scoured Stephenville like a mad woman in search of the { read more… }