Public confession is good for the soul.
I actually have no evidence whatsoever to back up that statement, but I evidently believe it strongly because I frequently feel compelled to confess my sins publicly via this blog. I cannot tell you from where such compulsion stems or why it tends to well up in me, but I can unequivocally state that I always feel better after I get things off my chest. It seems the public confession is preceded by a great deal of self-reflection, and let’s pray it is followed by changed behavior on my part. All that, and no hail Marys required.
So what I have I done this time? (Don’t you know this is a question my sweet hubby asks frequently?!)
Where to start?
I know where every Hobby Lobby is between here and downtown Austin. There are 11, if you count the one in Killeen (which is really not between here and there, but is good to know just in case). Last Tuesday, as I made my way home from work in Austin, I visited more than my fair share. (Note: According to Brad, more than my fair share is one Hobby Lobby, so I should probably say I visited way more than my fair share.) Now, those of you who have been in a Hobby Lobby know that they are all basically the same. It’s not like one Hobby Lobby carries unique merchandise from another. I’d love to use that as my excuse, but that would be lying and result in the need for more confessing. Nope. I visited multiple Hobby Lobbys because I was in search of the perfect ribbon. I needed this perfect ribbon to go with the new perfect candlesticks and candles I bought to decorate our mantle for Christmas. And, after three Hobby Lobby stops, I found it. Bought it. Came home and used it. Spent three plus hours decorating the mantle with it.
But unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there.
I liked the ribbon so much that I used it to tie bows on the beautiful mercury glass balls I also added to my Christmas decorations this year.

And, then…the next day when I tackled the rest of my decorating… I decided I needed more of this perfect ribbon so I could use some on my tree. This resulted in yet another trip to Hobby Lobby in Waco. And you know what? They don’t have the perfect ribbon… which will mean another stop on Wednesday at the Georgetown Hobby Lobby where I originally found it.
Even as I type this, I want to laugh at the absurdity, but the problem is. I’m too embarrassed by it.
Really. Really??? I put this much effort and time and gas and money into perfect ribbon?? Perfect ribbon that I’m sure no one knows or cares is perfect except ME???!!! My three boys did not even comment that I had put up our Christmas tree (which required completely rearranging the living room furniture) much less notice and comment on the fact that we had the perfect ribbon on new candlesticks on the mantle.
Seriously. I am embarrassed.
And all this got me to thinking…
Do I put my faith into action with the same amount of time and energy I spent finding the perfect ribbon and decorating my house for Christmas? buying gifts? getting ready for parties?
Wonder what amazing things God could do if I weren’t sometimes MIA in my faith?
I can remember when my boys were little, and the whole Santa Claus thing I tried to pull off. My continual encouragement and witnessing about Santa built up their belief in Santa and propelled them into big-time action. They were on their best behavior (with frequent reminders about Santa’s naughty and nice lists). They wrote letters to Santa. They sat on some strange man’s lap at the mall even though they were terrified. They put out cookies and milk. They even went to bed early. Talk about faith in action.
So here’s the big question I’m asking myself.
What is my faith in God propelling me to do, especially during this magnificent season when we celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Savior?
I’m pretty sure it’s not finding the perfect ribbon.
No longer MIA. Thank you, God, for your grace!