Several months ago I purchased a light fixture to go above our dining room table from Homestead Antiques in Hico. I discovered Homestead several years ago, and once I did, I dubbed Hico the city with triple treasure. After all, they have the infamous Koffee Kup Kafe, where you can get a piece of chocolate pie with 5-inch meringue; Wiseman House where you will swoon over Wild Woman dark chocolate truffles, and Homestead where you are guaranteed to find something cool you just can’t live without. Here’s proof:
Well, the day I bought this light fixture, owners Mike and Carol told me about their annual Homestead Antique Fair where they set up a 5,000 square foot tent and bring in antique dealers from all over. What more could a girl ask for?! I marked May 25-26 on my calendar and made a date in the city with triple treasure.
So, on Saturday morning, bright and early, I headed to Hico with the seats folded down on my Honda Pilot, cash in my wallet, and my tape measure. I am nothing if not prepared! Despite the hot temperatures, I was giddy with excitement when I arrived. Even with my eagerness, I stuck to my usual game plan – go through the whole place once before you buy anything. This is absolutely necessary for a girl on a budget. I want to make sure I get a chance to see everything before I decide what I’m going to buy. It would be a tragedy if I found the one thing I wanted most but I’d already spent all my money. I learned that lesson the hard way and had to go home sad before, so I wasn’t about to let that happen.
Even though I didn’t get a piece of pie or a single truffle (Yep, no money left for chocolate!), the trip was totally worth it because I came home with these treasures:
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I’d been wanting a manual typewriter for a long time. There was one on Etsy, but I just would not part with the big bucks they wanted. I got this little turquoise jewel for a steal. Every key works, and I’ve already ordered a new ribbon! |
This is probably a good place for me to say that Brad and Cam were not as excited with my treasures as I was, especially not Cam since he was involved in trip #2 to Hico and the return trip home at 40 mph so we didn’t damage the glasshouse. Like I said… a story for another time.
I’m fairly certain Brad and Cam have no clue why I’d want a manual typewriter when I have an iMac. They don’t know why I’d need an antique paper cutter when I usually buy paper by the sheet and not on a roll. And, the glasshouse, well… all they know is that it is big and heavy, and even when you take the door off the hinges, you still can’t get it in our house. They know. We tried.
I don’t guess I have a real good answer for them on why I bought any of the things I managed to come home with on Saturday. The best thing I might retort is the classic old saying, “One man’s junk is another man’s treasure,” but I don’t think it would do much to sway their opinion or change their thinking. They think junk. I think treasure.
And all this got me to thinking…
I am so thankful that my junk is God’s treasure. My imperfection. My brokenness. My failures. My shortcomings. My pride. My sin. Even with all my junk, God longs to have me – all of me! God still sees me as treasure. God sees me as valuable. Incredibly valuable. Valuable enough that He would pay the ultimate price to have me. The price of sacrificing His only Son on the cross. That I might be His. Forever.
Do you ever have one of those days when you feel like junk? Maybe it’s as minor as discovering a new wrinkle or gray hair when you look in the mirror. Maybe it’s as major as a hurtful comment from someone else that makes you question your worth. Whatever it is, remember this. You are not junk! You are priceless to God! You are His precious treasure. You are His beloved. Romans 5:8 NIV tells us, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Our junk. God’s treasure.
My heart overflows with gratitude.