All In a Matter of Minutes

I often laugh out loud at myself, and not because I’m particularly funny. Those of you who know me well know that I’m really not very funny at all. However, despite my lack of a humor bone, I always manage to do the craziest things. My boys – all three of them – are forever giving me a hard time. Evidently I give them plenty of ammunition for teasing.

The frog picture is a great example. Brad and I had a date night last Saturday, and I came bebopping in from the car only to spot the toad in the frog. I thought it was the funniest thing. Look carefully and you can see him. He obviously thought he was incognito, but not so! Anyway, I hollered to Brad to come see. This, too, is a frequent thing I do, so he’s learned never to get too excited and hurry. Often what I think is way cool and worth seeing, my boys fail to appreciate as much as I do. Anyway, I snapped the picture on my iPhone and got a good laugh. I bragged to the toad about his cleverness in choosing a hiding spot, but I was also quick to tell him that he better not mess up my portaluca. (Note: I know it doesn’t look that great in this picture, but remember, it’s night time and portaluca blooms in the day. You’ll have to just trust me on this. It’s beautiful in the daytime!)
I headed on in the house to grab the dog food because my puppies were starving. They raced out the door the minute I opened it because they knew I was way past due on feeding them. If you’re thinking spoiled rotten, you’re right. Duchess and Winston, our two Yorkies, rule the roost. Especially Winston. He’s mine. Duchess is really Brad’s, but that’s a story for another day. So I grabbed the dog food from the pantry and headed out the backdoor only to find Winston majorly foaming at the mouth. He looked my dishwasher the time I put liquid dish soap in it because we were out of Cascade. He was shaking his head and slinging foam stuff everywhere.
I snatched him up, ran in the house (yes, not the best idea because foam is still going everywhere!!!), and of course . . . screamed for Brad to come help. Brad takes one look at him and said, “Guess that toad wasn’t so cute after all.” Well, a phone call to the vet, a good washing out of Winston’s mouth under the kitchen sink, and a roll of paper towels later, all was well. The vet assured me the toad was not toxic and Winston would be fine. Winston crashed on the couch, and I’m fairly sure he will not try to eat a toad again. And, of course, I cleaned up the foam.
After all was said and done, I had to laugh at myself. I went from proclaiming how cute and clever the toad was (and even taking his picture!) to cursing his rotten soul for what he did to my precious Winston and trying to figure out how to rid my yard completely of toads. All in a matter of minutes.
Hmmm. I don’t think this is the first time I’ve reacted that way. In fact, it happens more often than I would like. I can go from believing God one minute to questioning him the next . . . from counting my blessings to being unhappy because something I’d prayed for didn’t happen . . . from telling him how much I love him to withholding my time from him because I’m just too busy . . . from singing along with a song on K-LOVE to complete irritation at the driver in the car in front of me . . . from thanking God for my boys to griping at them for not picking up dirty clothes off the bathroom floor. All in a matter of minutes.
I hate that patience is not at the top of my list of virtues. Brad often says I know one speed, and it’s full speed ahead. He’s right. It’s why “all in a matter of minutes” gets me in trouble sometimes. But, praise God! I am His work in progress! Read that sentence again. We often hear it said, “I am a work in progress.” That’s not true. We are HIS work in progress. Hebrews 10:35-36 NLT says it beautifully:
“So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you.
Patient endurance is what you need now, so that You will continue to do God’s will.
Then you will receive all that He has promised.”

1 thought on “All In a Matter of Minutes”

  1. Poor Winston. I bet he won’t be kissing any toads in the future!
    I can relate with the giving blessings one minute, then cursing the next. I have to stop and remember to love thy neighbor as myself more often that I care to admit. Works in progress for sure and I sure am glad we have a loving God that is quick to forgive us!
    Great story. I really enjoy reading your blog.

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