I’m breaking up with Coke Zero.
It’s the end of Coke Zero and me.
Well, at least I want it to be, but I’m failing miserably and I want to quit trying to quit every single day because failure and me are not friends.
But I don’t just need the end of Coke Zero…
Before we can find God, we have to find the end of ourselves.
Scripture is clear: the starting line for faith is surrender. There will be no running the race until we do. As long as we’re still trying to do it on our own, we’ll be stuck at the starting line… frustrated and failing… disgusted and defeated… wallowing and weary.
Coke Zero aside, I am going to fail every single day. You are, too.
But He gives us more grace.
That’s what Jesus’s half-brother told us in James 4:6… not because more grace is permission to sin, but because it’s promise of sanctification.
If you feel like you’re losing the battle somewhere in life today, let me encourage you. Sanctification is not a sprint. And God’s grace is not going to run out on you.
with big love,

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work
in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 1:6 NIV