Timing is Everything

There are a million little things in God’s creation that just blow my mind. The mommy spider carrying all her babies on her back. Leaves changing into glorious colors in the fall. Lightning bugs on a summer night. Freckles on the face of a toddler. A star shooting across the sky. Everywhere I look I’m just overwhelmed at the creativity and imagination of our God, and I’m humbled He created it all for us. It’s undeniable evidence of His power and majesty. It’s beautiful reassurance of how much He loves us.

Here’s a great example of God’s creativity – the tiny hummingbirds I have spoiled rotten all spring and summer. I was so fascinated with them that I had not one, not two, but three feeders in our yard. And, I filled them at least two, sometimes three times a week. I made certain the feeders were never empty. I couldn’t believe that such tiny little creatures could drink that much. I don’t even want to think how many bags of sugar I bought at the grocery store over the past several months. But it was so worth it because I would sit and watch the feeders all throughout the day and just marvel at the show the hummingbirds put on for me. They would dance and dart and dive, and I loved every minute.

Until about a week ago… when I began to notice a change. I filled the feeders and three days later they were still full. Hmmm. Did I make a bad batch of sugar water? Not likely after all the practice I’ve had. Did my hummingbirds find a house nearby where the feeders were bigger and better than the ones at my house? Probably not. Even though I didn’t want to admit it, and I didn’t like it one little bit, I knew. The time had come. Time for the hummingbirds to migrate further south. Despite the full feeders at my house that beckoned them to stay, they knew. Timing is everything.

So it is with our God. Not only did God create this incredible world and all that it is in it, He orchestrates every tiny detail with impeccable timing to create the symphony we call life. He does it for the hummingbirds, and He does it for us. In Ephesians 2:10 NLT, God’s Word reminds us, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.”

No matter where you are at this time in your life, trust and believe in the promise of His Word. You are His masterpiece, and He has a magnificent plan, perfectly timed, for your life.