the faithful: day six #OneVillage

The faithful come in many shapes and sizes.

Some times the faithful are pint sized, and when you tell them to bring a friend to children’s camp, they do! We went from 17 children yesterday to 23 today. We had an amazing time in God’s Word, but the games Laura and Marvin planned were literally the big hit!


The children also enjoyed the puppets and crafts.



We have had so much fun with these children!


Sometimes the faithful come as elderly widow women… women like Florica (pictured with KeLe below) who live their entire lives being a blessing to others despite their own struggles and pain. We met Florica our first year in Simpetru, and she continues to be one of our favorites. While doing food distribution, we visited Florica’s beautiful home and saw evidence of her endless hard work everywhere. She did not hesitate to share what little she had with us. We also visited Mara’s house (pictured with me). Mara and I made fast friends our first trip in 2012. I was so glad to see her again!

Food Distribution

Sometimes the faithful look like a room full of precious little ladies in the village of Stupini. We traveled there for women’s Bible study in the evening, and we were greeted by 11 women eager to worship God and study His Word. I cannot tell you what a blessing they were to us! They also entertained us greatly when we attempted the telephone game with them. When we got to the end of whispering the message to each other and they had the wrong message, they quickly started finger pointing at one another and laughing. We all got a good laugh when we discovered the very first woman to hear the message got it wrong. And, we all got yummy treats at the end of our time together because Floaria made homemade donuts for us! One night with these precious women was not enough!

Telephone Game

Our entire team is always so overwhelmed when we come here. We come wanting with all our hearts to be a blessing to the people here, but we end up being the blessed! These faithful followers of Jesus encourage us greatly! They increase our faith!

“The Lord loves the just and will not forsake the faithful ones.”
Psalm 37:28 NIV

“And let us not neglect our meeting together as some people do,
but encourage one another, especially now that the day of
His return is drawing near.” Hebrews 10:25 NLT

May WE be the faithful ones!
