A weary world indeed.
I don’t know about you, but I’ve had to fight for my joy this year, and all too many times I’ve allowed Satan to steal it. Sometimes I just handed it over to him. I could easily blame it on the pandemic or the presidential election or a plethora of other things, but back in early September I was reading Psalm 51, and this verse just jumped off the page at me:
“Restore unto me the joy of your salvation…”
With tears streaming down my face I realized true, unfailing joy come from Jesus alone. Because of Jesus, the weary world can still rejoice.
We rejoice first in remembering His birth – God’s miraculous gift of saving grace… His love made tangible for you and me. But we also rejoice in our readying for His return – that glorious day when our trials and suffering on this earth will end… when we’ll forever be with Jesus.
With those thoughts in mind, I set about preparing my Advent reading calendar for this year. I prepared it in two formats this year:
- Daily Advent Cards: This is my favorite format! These daily cards will print best on cardstock. There are four cards per page, so you’ll need seven pieces of paper. They are dated, so you just cut them apart and then put them in the correct order. I have mine placed on a tiny easel I ordered from Amazon. { Note: The easels come in a 4-pack, so I have some to share! See the post on my Facebook page. } You can also hole-punch them and tie together with a pretty ribbon or use a binder ring. What a sweet gift for family, friends, and co-workers!
- One page printable: Print this one-page PDF, and it will easily tuck in your Bible. You can also download it and share via email with friends.
Let’s pray together that through these well-known song lyrics and Scriptures that we will not only invite Christ into our hearts and homes this Christmas season, but that the joy of our salvation will be restored, and we, the weary world will rejoice.
With BIG love,

Love links: These links are for items in the picture above. Someone always asks about my Advent wreath. And, these make amazing Christmas gifts!
I love the advent card idea and plan to print them! Thank you for sharing!
Yay! So glad you are joining me! Hugs, sweet friend!