Winter Wonderland and Wielding Your Words

My Instagram and Facebook feed blew up today with pictures of SNOW. Ask anyone in central Texas, and they will tell you, “It SNOWED today!” A veritable winter wonderland. People who live in glass houses should not throw stones, so I’m sure not carrying around any rocks in my pocket. I bundled up and went outside in the SNOW today, too. Wouldn’t { read more… }


Some things you just can’t make sense of. Here’s one: Natchitoches… phonetically should be pronounced Natch-i-toe-shez… but instead you say Nak-a-dish. No, I’m not making that up. Nak-a-dish. So here we are in Nak-a-dish at the Steel Magnolias Bed and Breakfast. And you know what’s crazy? We have the entire house to ourselves. Guess that’s what happens when you travel { read more… }